
Dealing with CoViD-19 Challenges

By Col. Vivek Dantakale, Founder Innovative Edu. Inst. & Asst. Prof. Sunita Pawar Viruses are RNA or DNA with some…

5 years ago

Impact on Immunity during Quarantine and ways to Improve it.

By Dr. Alefiya Bootwala,Doctor of Naturopathy. Immunity plays a major role in maintaining health. During quarantine, we isolate ourselves from…

5 years ago

Sweet Poison: The alarming truth about how Sugar ruins your Health

By Dr. Jesty Thomas,Doctor of Pharmacy. Everyone loves dessert but what we don’t realize is that we are killing ourselves.…

5 years ago

Insight into PCOS and How to overcome it.

By Dr. Saba Zaki,Doctor of Pharmacy. About three in every ten women of reproductive age have PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome).…

5 years ago

Mobile Sanitization: Concern being disregarded amid Coronavirus outbreak

By Dr. Ali Haider Asad,Doctor of Pharmacy.B.pharm You are washing your hands countless times a day to try to fend…

5 years ago