impact of quarantine on health

The Impact of Quarantine on Health and Steps to Reduce it.

 Dr. utkarsha bhorade
By Dr. Utkarsha Borhade,
Doctor of Pharmacy.

Quarantining yourself at home can play a significant role in avoiding the spread of infectious diseases. But this doesn’t mean that handling the disruption in your normal routine is easy. Taking care of your mental health and physical health in such times is vital. Hence, the Impact of quarantine on your Health and how to reduce it is an important area of investigation.

The stressors during Quarantine:

The impact of quarantine on your health can be associated with increased duration of Quarantine, the fear of infections due to the presence of certain physical symptoms can lead to anxiety, with this, comes Frustration and boredom which is due to the loss of usual routine and reduced social and physical contact.

Inadequate supplies such as food, medicines during the quarantine can be a source of frustration; along with this inadequate information can lead to confusion and fear among the population.

Financial loss due to interruption in professional activities can be a major impact due to quarantine, stigmatization due to being infected and rejection from people in the local neighborhoods can be a major stressor during Quarantine.

How Quarantine Affects Mental Health:

The isolation imposed by quarantine frequently leaves people feeling that they have no control over the situation. You can feel cut off from the rest of the world and unable to perform usual duties. Studies show that possible mental health outcomes due to Corona Virus Outbreak which are experienced are Fear, Sadness, Insomnia, Confusion, Anger, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Emotional disturbance, Depression, Low mood, Stress, Irritability, Emotional Exhaustion.

How Quarantine affects Physical Health:

Just two weeks without regular physical activity can cause muscular and metabolic changes that could potentially lead to an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease.

The Impact of Quarantine on your Health can be critical, but here are some ways that can help you cope with it:

  • Establish Routines
  • The disruption in your normal daily routines can be one of the most difficult aspects of quarantine. This can leave you feeling directionless as you try to figure out how to fill all the hours of the day. Plan out activities that will keep you busy, Try creating a daily schedule, but don’t get too wrapped up in sticking to a strict routine

  • Combat Frustration and Boredom
  • Keep working on projects or find new activities to fill your time, whether it’s organizing your closet or trying out a new creative hobby. Getting things done can provide a sense of purpose and capability. It gives you something to work towards and something to look forward to every day.

  • Communicate 
  • Staying in contact with other people not only avoids boredom, but it is also critical for minimizing the sense of isolation. Stay in touch with your family and friends by phone and text. Connect to others on social media. Talk to others who are going through the same thing, this can provide a sense of community and empowerment.

  • Stay Informed, but Not Overwhelmed
  • Distance yourself to a limit from social media as they can provide false and negative information which can increase your Anxiety. Rather focus on getting helpful information from trusted sources like the CDC and WHO.

  • Take regular exercise breaks:
  • Set an alarm every hour and get up and move around for three to five minutes. Wear a fitness tracking device, it can help you to avoid a sedentary day. Have a walk in your Balcony, try chair Yoga for a few minutes several times a day.

  • Meditate:
  • With meditation, the physiology changes and every cell in the body is filled with more energy. This results in joy, peace, enthusiasm in your body. On a physical level, meditation: Lowers high blood pressure reduces anxiety attacks, treats insomnia, Increases serotonin production that improves mood and behavior, Improves the immune system and increases your energy level and thus reduces the impact of Quarantine on health.

  • Plant a garden: 
  • Gardening is not only mentally and spiritually stimulating but many people find it to be an enjoyable way to stay active, you can plant a garden in your backyard or balcony.

  • Do your Chores: 
  • Tasks like doing the dishes and wiping down countertops, vacuuming, sweeping, count as standing activities in your day and are more physically active.

    Opportunity in Adversity:

    To reduce the Impact of Quarantine on your health is an art and with so much constant time in-hand look at this adversity as an opportunity to invest time in Introspection, Clean off clutter at home, Spend time with your Family, Improve your skills by joining online courses.

    Be responsible and make a difference by staying Isolated in this state of crisis.

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    45 thoughts on “The Impact of Quarantine on Health and Steps to Reduce it.”

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    3. Jennifer Fernandes

      Well written piece of self-realisation for all….n simple steps to cope up with the quarantine situation

    4. Anita Dilliwale

      Informative article. Will help to reduce the stress amongst non medical who are fearful for the concept of quarantining self
      All. The best for your future articles

    5. Aniket Pratap Borhade

      Very nicely written by Dr.utkarsha… articles like this are much needed in such kind of situations…it’s very helpful information for me in this period. Thank you so much Dr.
      And I will share this information as much as I can

    6. Very nicely written by Dr.utkarsha… articles like this are much needed in such kind of situations…it’s very helpful information for me in this period. Thank you so much Dr.
      And I will share this information as much as I can

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